We make payments easy

Whether you want to sell online, build a mobile app, or just collect payments from your customers, Magpie has the tools and features you need.

Payments made easy
Mobile screen shots of Magpie-fueled apps

Mobile, web, any device

Magpie's apps and tools allow you to collect customer payments easily on their mobile phones. Your web or native apps on iOS and Android just work.

Many ways to pay

Charge any card with a Visa or MasterCard logo, whether credit, debit, or prepaid. Pay with your bank account. And soon: WeChat, Alipay, GCash, Paymaya, and OTC.

Quick and easy

An online store in minutes. One or one million bills sent in blazingly fast. Customer payments processed in under a minute. Quick and easy - really.


Transact with a PCI-DSS Level 1 platform. We adopt web and payment-industry best practices and security standards without getting in the way of doing your business. 

PayButton™ + Checkout

The easiest way to monetize online.

Create a PayButton™ and drop it onto your web pages. Instant buy-with-a-click for your products and services. Copy-and-paste our sample code or customize the button to your own liking. Learn how to do it here!

A PayButton™ leads to our dead-simple Checkout, a prepackaged and responsive user experience that allows you to collect payment information, reducing your PCI-DSS scope, and manage various payment methods.

Reload your Easytrip credits Easytrip reload powered by Magpie Checkout
Invoice sent at PayTerminal™ app


The fastest way to start collecting payment from your clients!

PayTerminal™ is the software version of the card  that you see when cashiers take your card for payment processing.

As a Magpie merchant, you get access to PayTerminal without additional cost. You can send a charge to your customer at any price you set. The customer pays using his card without you having to touch it.


Your best friend for getting your invoices paid. Send bills once, or send them regularly.
Send one or send millions. We deliver your invoices over SMS, email, and push notifications.
Once your customers receive the bill, it just takesless than two minutes to pay.
On any device they prefer!

Billy app screenshots

Our API rocks!

We are developers. And we know you've advanced use cases that cannot be served by our pre-built payment tools. So we created an API that you can use for any web and native app you have in mind.

Start coding now.

// Require the NodeJS SDK // npm i magpie-js-sdk const Magpie = require('magpie-js-sdk'); // Set some parameters // Actually, there is no more "sandbox", so always false const sandbox = false; // Public key, secret key // DO NOT PUT THESE IN YOUR CODE! For instructional purpose, we use it here though. // There are many ways. Use dotenv for example (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv). // Should probably look like the following two lines -- // const public_key = process.env.PUBLIC_KEY; // const secret_key = process.env.SECRET_KEY; const public_key = 'pk_test_jVeaJoEZt2VgIhjjKqCSDw'; const secret_key = 'sk_test_4vTrWGAPgahzV3HWYU2AhA'; // Version: always use v1.1 const version = 'v1.1'; // Instantiate const magpie = new Magpie(public_key, secret_key, sandbox, version); // Create a payment token const card = { name: 'Juan de la Cruz', number: '5555555555554444', exp_month: '02', exp_year: '2022', cvv: '123' } magpie.token.create(card.name, card.number, card.exp_month, card.exp_year, card.cvv) .then(response => { // We will actually just log response to console :) if (response.statusCode === 201) { // Success console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } else { // Error console.log(response); } });
// Create a charge const Magpie = require('magpie-js-sdk'); const sandbox = false; const public_key = 'pk_test_jVeaJoEZt2VgIhjjKqCSDw'; const secret_key = 'sk_test_4vTrWGAPgahzV3HWYU2AhA'; const version = 'v1.1'; const magpie = new Magpie(public_key, secret_key, sandbox, version); // Charge parameters const source = ''; // Paste generated token here const amount = 50000; // Integer, in centavos: this is 500.00 const currency = 'php'; const description = 'A test charge'; const statementDescriptor = 'TestStore'; const capture = true; // Do purchase - authorize and capture in one go magpie.charge.create(amount, currency, source, description, statementDescriptor, capture) .then(response => { // We will actually just log response to console :) if (response.statusCode === 201) { // Success console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } else { // Error console.log(response); } });
// Create a customer const Magpie = require('magpie-js-sdk'); const sandbox = false; const public_key = 'pk_test_jVeaJoEZt2VgIhjjKqCSDw'; const secret_key = 'sk_test_4vTrWGAPgahzV3HWYU2AhA'; const version = 'v1.1'; const magpie = new Magpie(public_key, secret_key, sandbox, version); const email = 'juandelacruz@magpie.ph'; const description = 'Account for Juan de la Cruz from my app'; magpie.customer.create(email, description) .then(response => { if (response.statusCode === 201) { // Success console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } else { console.log(response); } }); // Don't forget to copy the generated customer-id. // You will need this for vaulting card information later.
// Vault a payment card for customer const Magpie = require('magpie-js-sdk'); const sandbox = false; const public_key = 'pk_test_jVeaJoEZt2VgIhjjKqCSDw'; const secret_key = 'sk_test_4vTrWGAPgahzV3HWYU2AhA'; const version = 'v1.1'; const magpie = new Magpie(public_key, secret_key, sandbox, version); const customer = ''; // Put customer id here const payment_token = ''; // Put payment token here. Generate one, and copy it. magpie.customer.update(customer, payment_token) .then(response => { if (response.statusCode === 200) { // Success console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)); } else { console.log(response); } });

Magpie.IM Inc.

Contact Info

Valero Plaza Condominium 3F

Valero Street, Makati City, PH


Please read our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before using our services.



Available on Apple iOS and on Android.